Leprantha includes a single species in temperate Europe and eastern North America. In Norway, it is restricted to a narrow area near Skien in Telemark and Vestfold. The genus is lichenized with a trentepohlioid photobiont.
- Innhold
- Description
- Remarks
The relevant characters of the genus Leprantha are provided under its only species, L. cinereopruinosa.
Leprantha has been included in Arthonia until recently. Based on molecular systematic studies, it has been accepted as independent genus by Damien Ertz et al. (2018).
Ertz D, Sanderson N, Łubek A and Kukwa M (2018). Two new species of Arthoniaceae from old-growth European forests, Arthonia thoriana and Inoderma sorediatum, and a new genus for Schismatomma niveum. The Lichenologist 50: 161–172.
Sundin R (1999). Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies within Arthonia Ach. (Ascomycetes, Arthoniales). Botaniska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm.
Sundin R, Thor G and Frisch A (2012). A literature review of Arthonia s. lat. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 108: 257–290.